The Steppe Alliance Treaty
We, who call ourselves the Steppe Alliance, know the following to be true:
We respect the Mother, who gifts us life.
We preserve and respect of all creatures of the Mother. We call no man nor woman lord, as we are all brothers and sisters. We will not allow a brother or sister to suffer and we always share our feast with the beggar. And we vow that all abominable creatures who are outside the natural Cycle will be destroyed.
We respect our Ancestors, who gift us wisdom.
We keep the balance, we see the good in that which is evil, and the evil in that which is good. We pledge ourselves to neither side, but vow instead to preserve the balance that exists between the two.
We respect the Land, which gifts us freedom.
We guard the free land, and understand that to truly free any land from tyranny you must first free the spirit of its people. We never take from the land without also giving to it. We live in harmony with the land and any who choose to fix their dwellings to the land prepare for if the land chooses to remove them.
All people who call themselves Steppe Alliance do agree to abide by the following lore, and understand that failure to do so will result in exile or death.
Not to take anything from a sibling by deception, for our siblings will give freely if required;
That if we choose to call a sibling foe, then neither of us shall rest until one lies dead or we break bread in peace;
In order to take the cause of another, we seek honour. We do not sell nor tarnish our blades, for to do so will tarnish our honour;
To follow the Tenets of Hospitality at all times.

Tenets of Hospitality
A visitor to your home should always be greeted as a sibling, with refreshment and sustenance, in honour of their journey to reach you.
By accepting hospitality your visitor accepts the status of sibling to all Steppe while within your home. All siblings must honour them as such.
If the visitor takes any aggressive action against you or anyone that you have called a sibling, they do so at the forfeit of their own life.
When sibllngs of the Steppe gather to share views and information, or to decide upon a course of action, this is known as Table.
A Sibling an call Table at any time.
No Sibling may be excluded from Table.
To speak at Table, a sibliong must first place a token upon the Table.
All Siblings get a vote at Table, regardless of whether they have chosen to speak.
If the discussions are relevant only to a small number of siblings then they can choose to conduct their own Table. If a sibling who is not of that number chooses to sit at such a Table, they may share their views but could be asked to sit aside if a vote is called.
The Paths
Three Voices to speak for all siblings

Voice of the People
All who are Steppe Alliance will choose a sibling to be Voice of the Steppe who we entrust to speak and act the will of all siblings

Voice of War
All who are Steppe Alliance will choose a sibling to be Voice of War who we entrust to speak and act our will when speaking to our allies and engaging our enemies in battle. The Voice of War carries the Sword of Balance and will use it to speak the last word of war.
Voice of Peace
All who are Steppe Alliance will choose a sibling to be Voice of Peace who we entrust to speak and act our will when speaking to our allies and engaging our enemies in diplomacy. The Voice of Peace carries the Sword of Veto and will use it to speak the last word of debate.
Three Voices to ensure all brothers are heard

Voice of Action
There are siblings f the Steppe Alliance who come to the fore when the enemy is in sight, whose arms are strong and whose blades are sharp. They follow the Path of the Warrior. Siblings on this path choose a Voice of Action to ensure their voices are always heard.
Voice of Reason
There are siblings of the Steppe Alliance who will hunt down knowledge like prey, whose will is strong and whose wits are sharp. They follow the Path of the Wise. Siblings on this path choose a Voice of Reason to ensure their voices are always heard.
Voice of Caution
There are Siblings of the Steppe Alliance whose first thought is for their fellow siblongs, whose love is strong and whose eyes are sharp. They follow the Path of the Guardian. Siblings on this path choose a Voice of Caution to ensure their voices are always hear
Three Keepers to ensure siblings work as one

Keeper of the Balance / Chosen
The Keeper of the Balance will ensure that all views and opinions are heard, that no sibling feels that their point has been overlooked and that all sides of any argument are heard.

Keeper of the Arcane
The Keeper of the Arcane will ensure that all potential magic solutions to a problem are explored and that all siblings’ magical abilities are developed to their full potential.

Keeper of the Tally
The Keeper of the Tally will ensure that all potential mundane solutions to a problem are explored and that all brothers’ mundane abilities are developed to their full potential.
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