Stories of the Steppe

The Tale of Teng and Tadzik

Long Long ago back when the world was young before the ravages of time and the imprint of human kind had made their mark. There were the Great spirits who walked the plains and the most beautiful of them was Teng. The child of the King of Winter and The Queen of Summer. Teng was a spirit of the great wood and no matter the season there was beauty to behold. From the bright summer flower gowns to glittering frosted headdress sent by her parents Teng would look resplendent. The king and queen Loved their daughter so much but they hid her away within the great woods.They Told Teng she may never leave the woods. many other spirits adored Teng, some would say none more so than Tadzik the Spirit of the Mountains . He Longed to Embrace Teng and take her to his Mountainous home. Little did he Know that she could never Leave the forest but there one who did, Koshi the Trickster he longed for power saw the love held by Tadzik and began to whisper. Through the air he sent his vile word “Tadzik Tadizk go to the woods you can claim Teng as your prize.” Koshi sent visions to Tadzik holding Teng in his hands, filling his mind with thoughts of lust . Soon It became to much for Tadzik and he would go and take Teng for his own. He travelled to the Great Wood and found Teng sitting by a great golden tree. Tadzik grabbed Teng, scooping her up in his arms, Tadzik ran from the Woods. “What are you doing? I may not leave.” Teng protested. With the poisonous words still ringing in his ear Tadzik replied “You are mine”. As they reached the edge of the woods. Tadzik needed to rest and placed Teng down. Teng fell to her knees “You can not just take from the forest without giving back “ she sobbed “No I claim you” Tadzik replied. As Teng shook her head and changed into a single bloom in front of Tadzik's eyes.

Tadzik's eyes were open and Koshi appeared before him “ What's the problem you wanted to claim Teng well there she is an eternal flower for ever and ever” He laughed plucking the flower from the ground and giving it to Tadzik. Tadzik grew sorrowful “You liar bring her back , bring her back I'll do anything?” Koshi looked delighted. “ Very well give me the power of the Mountain and you and Teng will be together forever” Tadzik sorrowfully agreed, giving up his power as Koshi grinned, snapping his fingers and turning Tadzik to stone. “Together forever as promised” Koshi placed the flower into the statue of Tadziks fingers.

The King and Queen grieved of their daughter and her lover and as they watched the statue and the flower began to glow and the lovers voices are heard in unison “With our love we restore balance” At which the bloom opened and eight seeds where born , The King and queen lifted the seed upon there winds and scattered the seeds across the land of the steppe. And from that love restored back to the land where the sends fell so sprung up civilisation h umans, elves, orc.Sprung from the land out of the Love of the Teng and Tadzik.

Which is why, we as the steppe must always give back as well as take for in the love giving back can such wonderful things spring forth through balance.

A laughing god's tale of three tails.

The laughing god always smiles upon you. Be this in bemusement, satisfaction, trickery or spite, they will always grin at you. This is not a story about them through, it is tale they may have witnessed, and may or may not have influenced. It all started with box. A yewling box that a black horned trader smuggled away from malvelant forces. What sounded like growls from the darkness steering the horse drawn cart away from an unknow ambush and an impeckily well timed rock slide ensured the Heroine and her cargo's safe escape. The laughing god had use of for this cargo after all. Hours down the silk road, this trader known as Valia cracked open the cargo to find a trio of cat like beasts looking up at her bright innocent eyes and a sadness washed over her. Sure they were safe for now, but what was she going to do with them!? 'I never wanted any youngen's but my own but it seems the gods have said otherwise' she missed and could have sworn she heard an ethereal laughter outside the creaking walls of the caravan. The caravan was their home, it soon became the home of many others too. Some would travel with them just a few weeks to get to the next leg of their journey, others found a family and stayed for years. This ever tuning wheel of change became the emblem of this travelling family, held together with a triquetra of beliefs and ideals. These beliefs were upheld with various tales of 3 ancestors that travelled across the steppe together. Huunar - the warrior. His extensive martial trading and contorl over the elements made him a great protector and an even fierecer warrior. If there was ever a lesson to be had in ferocity, strength and how to defend yourself, Huunar was used. Venselas - the pathfinder. The cautious one, they would take safest route to ensure the safety of the family and had great healing abilities, both magic and herbal. A lesson in foraging, alchemy and healing would feature Venselas Mindoka - the savant. The minds eye, the strategist and font of all knowledge. She was particularly cunning as she knew how to use the knowledge she had to better the family and their prospects. A lesson in reading, politics and tactics was attuned to Mindoka. The beastial trio's skills grew fast, each gaining an affinity of one of the ancestors. Skragim had a knack for hearing everything he shouldn't, a cunning student of Mindokah. Kara had the healing gifts of the mother, a devout accolite of Venselas. Foosie had the ear of the spirits and the wrath of the elements under control, a fierce decipleof huunar. Each of them felt a proud smile upon them, and it wasn't just from Valia. So about this box? Well one day the trio were causing mischief and the cooking pan was sent flying into the ornate chest being used as a seat around the fire. This chipped a jade seal, which cribled to reveal a scroll. Cautiously Kara reached for it, and read the words aloud 'May the laughing god smile upon you'. The world freezed for all except the trio as maniacal laughter filled the air. 'So it is time for you to make your deal!'. The camp fire burst into purple flames and inside a manic face with two halfs stared back. It whipped to the left and and with gleeful smile spoke 'the laughing god does indeed smile upon you, today you get to choose how much' With a giggle the face turned to the right and with and sinister smile 'but beware, once you accept my influence, you get the joy and the sorrow. I do have to keep balance after all.' The trio shot various looks at eachother, before the face spoke again. 'Your parents wanted you to have the opportunity accept my helpful hinderence, for they packed that scroll for you. Kara looked down at the ornate scroll before them, it has morphed into a contract. Skragim pointed out the three spaces for blood prints next to each of the trio's names. 'To accept my influence all you have to do it sign the dotted line' The face cackled. 'Each time you invoke my name, and cause me to smile upon a situation, the more invested I become. From how your parents invoked me, I am VERY invested in you three, and I wonder what effect a bit more I fluence will have on your futures... Foosie asked in a thick accent 'So will you help me defeat those who look to harm us and our allies?' 'And ensure I give and hold the right information at all times?' Skragim voiced in anticipation. 'What about making sure we keep everyone healthy and safe, on the right path' whispered Kara. 'I can only but smile upon you' The purple tinted face boomed with sly grin. The trio met eyes and pricke their fingers. And spoke the sealing words in unison 'may the laughing god smile upon you.' In a flash violet fire and a fit of laughter time resumed and the fire returned to it's amber glow. Valia met their eyes from across the fire. 'What have you done?' she winced in despair. 'I wanted to keep you away from this, your parent paid the ultimate price of this god!
I've paid my share of pain to this god! Urgh. She slid to the ground defeated, holding the trio close. 'I can now but help guide you down this path you have taken. Only call upon the laughing god to smile upon you when you need it most, they are powerful and fair, but they will have the last laugh.' --- So you see, this is how the legends of the caravan; Kara, Foosie and Skragim became so... lucky, powerful and resourceful. There were many times the laughing god smiled upon them, their allies and their foes. You yourself can try calling upon the laughing god, but beware there will be a time they will laugh, and that is when they will truly smile upon you.

Once upon a time, long long ago, there were the people. The people lived high in the mountains. They drank water from the cold streams, and ate what they hunted, with bird and bow. They rode and fought, sang and danced, all under the large moon. But some of them were unhappy. They left the people, and came down off the mountain. They came to the wide rolling plains, and there they built a life. They called themselves the tribe. The tribe drank water from the wide sweet rivers, and ate what they grew, and tended. They laughed and played, swam and ran, all under the large sky. But some of them were unhappy. They left the tribe and came away from the plains. They built themselves towns with high, sturdy walls, and there they built a life. They called themselves the nation. The nation drank water from deep, cool wells, and ate what they traded, and bartered. They sat and talked, loved and wrote, all under the large trees. And you, traveller, would think them separate, to sit and hear this tale, as I sat at the fire, as my father told me. But as he said, I will say now. When the east wind blows the people from the mountain. When the rivers rise, and the tribe ride from the plain. When the talk in the towns drive the nation from their tall walls. Then you will know that the Steppe gathers. All people, all tribe, all nation, all Steppe. When the Khans call, the east wind blows, the rivers rise, and the talk stops. And the Steppe gathers.

History as seen from the back of my Caravan.

Most people start at the beginning but this telling starts before then…

There was a time when the land was in perfect balance, the Elder races were yet to set foot upon the soil. In this time the world was shaped by the Spirits. As no one was there nothing much happened and it was a time of great boredom so we will not dwell on it.

The spirits were tricked into creating the races but that is a tale for a different day. At first the races lived a barbaric life in the mountains and forests. Fighting, eating and…. well you can guess, filled up their days. While life in this ancient time was harsh and often short, the people were content.

Then something changed, no one knows what caused the change, because no one could write. Two of the clans looked beyond their caves and desired a better life. One clan set out for the grasslands and another to the mountain valleys. These two tribes would become the Horse Lords and the Travelling Caravans which populate the Steppe Lands to this day.

These two peoples kept largely to themselves. Sometimes the people of the planes would raid the caravans and the people of the valleys would steal from the horse lords, even this had a balance to it.

Then the Temujin ascended to the first Genghis and united the clans of the plains. Temujin achieved much in his life and one of his greatest and most enduring achievements was the establishment of The Lace Route, the greatest road in all of creation. This magnificent highway runs from the coast in the east to the rest of the nations in the west. With this incredible achievement came all of the people's and cultures of the rest of the land. As the time of the Genghis waned this new exposure to the wider world was a boon to the Traveling Caravans and their nack for trade.

Unknown to the people of The Steppe this exposure to the wider world would irrevocably change the Steppe lands and the balance.

Since then you are probably aware of everything else. Leaders came and went, kingdoms rose and fell. The Nithing, Faye Wars, Blood Queens, more Faye Wars, the list goes on. Will balance ever be restored? Don't ask me, I'm just an old caravan driver. But I will say this. Even the smallest grain of rice can tip the scales for everyone.

The Adventures of Edgerelt and the Tree

Was your tree felled by the spirit of Love to be given by a mighty Warlord to a Sorcerous Sage as they battled an army of a seven thousand skeletal knights? No? Then my story is better than yours!

A follower and leader of the Yak principles, I see myself as pretty meticulous and patient – I mean, I have to be to spend time with the other nomadsthat I travel with.

This story begins with an excursion. We as a people needed to educate others on the land of the nomad law, how to behave and how to protect the land. We were sent to search an area of land in the South, where our scouts had not returned from. Clan Iluu

joined this journey, knowing there were greenskins in the area.As a people, we are pretty chaotic. I prefer a more cautious way to life, and upon reaching the area chaos ensued. The various paths began setting up camp, sourcing materials, organising flags of peace and searching for scouts. I instead sat and drank from my ‘water’skin, watching the mayhem around me.

Having sat out of setting up much of the camp, I decided to take first watch with two of the brothers. It is the right thing to do to protect our siblings. An important thing about protecting our people is to look into everyone’s faces and memorise them, that way, if anyone falls, I can help identify them even in the dark.,

The night continued to pass, until one of our siblings returned in a panic with news of a small camp of 10 people tracking our scouts. A small group gathered their things and set off to track them down. I decided to retire for the night – I am not a scout.

The morning brought stories of armed combatants nearby, who spoke of their “LORD” – a lord here!? No, this is not the way. With prayers completed it was decided that we would travel to the Orcs and see what they know of these ‘noble kissers’.

With the banner of peace flying we headed off, with a small envoy, including myself, going ahead.

Following a short meeting with a small delegation from the greenskins, we created a tentative allianceto deal with the people in the mountains, the “Lord” followers. They had been enslaved and beaten by the mountain dwellers, and are keen to be free, and continue to fish. I see no issue with them doing so,and this tribe of peoples have young that need protecting. Maybe we could bring them more into our ways.Grips, the leader of the tribe here, is one of the smartest Goblins I’ve ever met. They care greatly about the freedom of their siblings and could be an excellent long-term ally.

I decided that it was time to teach as many greenskins as possible about what it’s like to be a free Orc or Goblin, and so sat down with a gaggle of children at my feet. My story seemed to elicit both disbelief and wonder. The younglings have much to learn.

It didn’t take long for the local orcs to begin seeing myself and Chono as one of them – even chanting at us “one of us” whenever we approached. It’s adorable really. Chono gave out materials and cooking pans as gifts.

Gifts for the children included ribbons, leather thonging, offcuts, glass and wood. Sitting with the younglings I decided to help them make some little talismans. The kids seemed to love it.

A wise suggestion was made, that one of our greenskin clans, such as my own, could welcome them into their fold to help protectthem. An opportunity to expand the tribe had fallen into my lap.

It was at this moment the sounds of fighting reached us in the settlement. Up near the trees were a horde of undead, attacking a small group of people.

The nomads formed up to fight, whilst I laid down furs to act as a surgery and healing station. At the same time, I ushered the younglings into a safer location. The greenskins point out that the humans making the fighting retreat were the ones who wanted to sell them into servitude. Well, I’m always happy to do some‘surgery’ to get some answers out of them…

Chono ran into the fray, a hero of Iluu and the wider nomads. Without his brave actions, we may well have lost this fight. His humour never left him. Even from the settlement I could hear him goading the undead– “Oh I'm not dying to a goat turd like you! You Panda Piss drinking Fornicator of Livestock!” Still makes me chuckle now as I write this

By the time the fight was over, and the mercenaries captured, the greenskins grew tense. Not wanting to allow the ‘pink-skins’ into the settlement, it was only right that we left them outside.

It's clear that the greenskins were wary, disbelieving that the mercs had no interest in them. It was agreed to keep the mercs outside of the settlement, and to disarm them whilst offering them some healing from the deaders attack. I’m surrounded by chaotic beings, those ready to jump straight into a fight. As an Orc, I know it all too well, but caution and wisdom is needed more than violence. Borte, a friend and ally was raging at not being allowed back into the settlement, and it took some excellent diplomacy from me to calm her first.

Brother Morbeen wisely set up a table with some hospitality outside the settlement to break bread with and discuss things with the mercenaries. Whilst Grips refused to sit, the mercenary leader did, choosing to sip some mead before the conversation.

Once again, the mercenary captain claimed that they had no ill intentions towards the people in the settlement. I didn’t believe them, although I remained silent, trusting in brother Morbeen to get to the bottom of things. Realising that my own figure can sometimes be quite imposing, I decided to sit at the table with Morbeen.

I pointed out that we have no interest in whatever the item is their “Lord” wants, nor their money, we wish instead to tend the land and protect the free people living here. The mercenaries slowly began opening up to us – although they were certainly reluctant.

Borte can be too rash. Pushing the free greenskins too hard. They had had a tough time of it, and they understandably needed more time to trust us.

However, we were now at risk of a dirty necromancer and their horde of undead. That said, Borte did get some valuable information out of “Chuckles”, the mercenary who was tracking the magic item. Using this information, I was able to give our deal to the mercs:

"Now, for tonight, I think it serves all our interest to work together as temporary allies. You don't intend to stick around once you've found that pretty item, and I think we'd be willing to help you find that tomorrow to speed up your return to that LORD of yours."

"So tonight, we need to work together to stay alive. As you say, this area is easier to defend. There are many warriors here, and it seems you and your men are capable in a fight."

"Chuckles can recover in the camp - he seems to have a way to find your item, so his safety is pretty important it seems. That way his wounds can properly heal. You and your men can help our warriors to protect the settlements perimeter."

"Once the battle has been won, in the morning we can help you complete your task. What do you say?"Unsurprisingly, both the mercenaries and Grips agreed with me – I’m an excellent diplomat. Something I hope to teach all in the Clan Iluu. Grips placed her trust in me, and I am an Orc of my word.

Morbeen at this point asked me to second him in future diplomatic situations. Good to know my skills have been recognised!The signal was soon raised that the horde was finally here. I hurried to set up the surgical station once again, ushering children and the vulnerable further into the settlement.

Other healing siblings joined my expert set-up. And I was further aided by the free greenskins with their rudimentary surgical tools.

Chono took the frontline. My heroic brother could be trusted to win any battle, and I had every faith that he would succeed in this one, as long as he didn’t get cocky… Strike that, the idiot got chomped on the ankle by the first wave of zombies! I must keep a closer eye on him.

A wave of skeletons next joined the foray. This night of fighting would be challenging for all, and it was most important that we protected the free greenskin. The next wave of zombies were easily dispatched, but soon we were set upon by skeletal knights who breached our frontline. I jumped to my feet, let out a rageful scream and smacked repeatedly at a deader until it was pummelled into the ground. How dare they attack a healing station! Talons yelled to me to pull the station back, and I was all too happy to comply. It was at this point that I was called to pick up Borte who had taken a nearly fatal blow to the head. Battle surgery is always exhilarating, and I got the warrior back up. The wound would certainly scar though.As some of Hoden’s orcs, the orcish warleader under Grips, are healed by my expert skills, I scream at them both “GET ANGRY” and send them back into the fight. Surprisingly, one blew a kiss back at me.

How strange!

As the fight continued, the dirty necro can be seen on the horizon. The warriors begin to push forwards towards them. I continue to pick up my friends and siblings, the free orcs and goblins and mercenaries alike. Looking up I watched Chono fight with a particularly challenging knight – a greatsword slammed into the shield, and Chono screamed “My Shield ! YOU BASTARD THAT WAS A GIFT FROM MY YOUNGEST! THATS IT YOUR GOING DOWN!"

Screaming loudly he tackled the knight to the ground. That’s my orc!

Whilst our forces were distracted by the necromancer, a group of skeletons broke through the frontlines once again. My anger was rising and I ended up smashing the skull of one skeleton with my bare hands. It was time to hit the frontline, and surprisingly, I was supported by the Orc that I had recently patched up. A zombie interrupted my distraction, stabbing at my armour. I screamed back at it, headbutted it straight in the face and thrust a blade into its chest. I couldn’t help but cast a wink to my new fighting companion.

At some point, whilst I was stitching up another injured soul, the fighting stopped around us. It appeared that someone had taken the necromancer out. As a cautious person, I did wonder if this was really the end.In the calm, it did give me more of a chance to take care in my surgery – less scars for those who have been injured. I looked to Chono, who appeared to be bonding more with the Orcs and Goblins, generally over mead! Once I’d stitched up the last person, I sat down for a drink with the warrior who had accompanied me on the battlefield.Come the following morning, we were surprised to be informed that the dead necromancer was the man who had freed the greenskins from a life of servitude.

This mystery seemed to get stranger and stranger.

The mercenaries informed of us the identity of the body – Tofer Auferwecker.

As we prepared to head off into the mountains to search for the missing amulet, there was a shout from the other end of the settlement. In strode my fighting companion, dragging a fallen tree, with branches filled with delicate pink and white blossom.

The petals created a cloud behind him as he brought the tree to my feet. Shuffling his feet nervously, he said “Sorry took so long, but I didn’t fink you’d like it if I just broke it off so had to wait until the wind blew it down…” He was right. I much prefer the natural order of things. I was appreciative of thought, but uncertain how to respond, so I began cleaning my surgical tools. The Nomads, Mercenaries and a handful of capable Orcs got their things together to head up to the mountains. A strange band of allies but allies all the same. Upon finally reaching the location of the missing amulet, 10 of us formed up to head in.

The first room we come upon is trapped boulder which acted as a door to the next chamber. Through the incredibly brain power of Chono and myself, with a little assistance from some of the others, we came up with the solution to back up, light the rope on fire, then climb over the boulder once it has rolled away from its position. Chono heroically lit the rope then swiftly leapt out of the way. The plan was a success and we were able to clamber over the boulder, and head into the amulet chamber.

Upon entering the room, out stepped a shaking goblin, holding a crossbow. Fumbled by Borte, the bow dropped to the floor, letting off the bolt which landed in Claw’s chest. Borte managed to grab hold of the struggling Goblin who screamed “I guard, I must

keep all safe!!”Chaos ensued around us. The mercs took the amulet whilst Deeb (the missing Goblin) was enthralled by one of our own. Borte, Claw and Strom had some harsh words exchanged with the mercs and Zol meditated on the Idol which had held the amulet.

The visions showed an individual raising undead following the amulet being placed on the idol.Chono and I worked closely to encourage Deeb to stand down. He had clearly been manipulated by the necromancer through fear for the settlement.

Luckily, our ritualist Shida was able to look at the cloak, amulet and idol. They had been ritually made together – if we destroyed any, they could be made again. We decided to return to the settlement so that our magic users can assess the items, make things safe, and decide if the mercenaries could take the amulet.

Upon returning to the settlement we set up a table to place the items on, mead and water. The mercs, Orcs/Goblins and nomads all sat and stood around. I sat on my tree and pulled out my notebook to record this adventure.

It is agreed that it is safe enough to hand the amulet to the mercenaries. With that, they take their leave for their long journey back to their “Lord”. Chono and I offer to bring our tribe to the area to help Grips and her people set up a sustainable settlement that honours the Ancestors, Land and Mother. In doing so, there is scope for their peoples to be brought into the fold of Clan Iluu. Also, the trees in the area are pretty, and I’d like to see some more of them.

Following long talks, Grips agreed for a handful of us to stay – myself, Chono, Moss, Dasheen, Randal and our dark-elf scout Gwanno. This would allow us to work closely with the settlement and build a good relationship. Once this is agreed, the Orc warrior approached me and finally introduced himself:


And with that, this story is done.