Existing groups
Steppe based Strunmah are of the Vulkiin people who bind to Vulkani as a right of passage, they can be identfied by their horns and reptilian features. For Steppe Strunmah please contact Paul Taylor


Hailing from the no-man's-land between Norsca and Teutonia we have now found a home amongst the Steppe. The Reisende are a nomadic people who worship the Norsca Gods as family patrons i.e. Uncles and Aunties. A deeply spiritual people the Reisende love the telling of tales and the fixing of bones. Contact: Shaw Green
Islanders that hail from the archipelago of the forbidden isles. Tuhinga tribes people journey to the continent in seeking knowledge and skills they can harness to one day return to the Tuhinga Island with. Recognisable by their facial tattoos and/or in Pacific Islander influenced clothing. We like to make people laugh.
Contact Beth Cox or Paul Wallace if you want to know more!

Shyshack Family

A traveling family of Romani. Predominantly a trading family but individuals cover just about every aspect of the game. In addition there are some beastkin who are there for protection. Contact Paul Crisford
Tentsver (House of Balance)
Recently created house of Fae and mortals dedicated to living together as equals and upholding the tenents and lore of the Steppe Alliance Treaty.The House acts as the guardians of the Sacred Mountain Burkan Khaldun.
Drawn from Zuny Daichin and Ovliin Bu's ancient retinues, their old servants the Iluu orc clan or wandering mystics and nomadic warriors, they are dedicated to freedom, equality and knowledge.All races and cultures that swear to the Steppe Alliance Treaty, Tenents and Lore may join as, like the Clan of the Phoenix we also take in orphans and individuals but not limited to Mongols.Eyes flashed with Purple stripes identify those of the House as they wander the lands, decorating ovoos to bring the mountain with us in spirit. Those that travel with the factions and warhost seek knowledge and power to better protect the mountain and their Steppe siblings.
A new player or character wishing to join has the opportunity to influence a new fae houses traditions from the ground up.
We prefer a new member to join during game play, but are open to contact to plan out a character that has traveled from the Steppe after joining the house "off screen" eg a member of the Iluu Contact Alex Turnbull)


A tribe of hyena Beastkin who revere their holy spirits through song and dance. Appearing silly and crazy to those who don't know them, they are a deeply spiritual people who believe life is to be celebrated and laughter is good for the soul. But, in keeping with the balance, the Gavanjeen have a dark side and can be as ruthless as they can be light hearted.
Contact Tracy Fairrie-Turnbull
Van Lint Brewery
Teutonian Brewery that shows up from time to time. They trade, brew, and alchemise. They have been known to sing the occasional song and once in a while when the chips are really down they will occasionally step in and help out.

Brink o Death

Travelling band of Medics with a strong goblin vibe, big on keeping the balance, including bringing the fun to the serious. Most members have some form of healing ability (Corp or surgery) but it's not essential and some of the newer members have expressed interest in alchemy.
Contact for Mark Holdforth
Clan Luns
Clan Luns are a Mongol Clan that resides on the Silk Road, closest to the Tadzik Mountains. As a Clan we have seen many changes within the Steppe Warhost and have always prided ourselves on being a group for all people young and old. We always welcome the opportunity to give new members of the Steppe a chance to get their foot in the door and sink their teeth into all areas of the game. We are also known for being Yak herders and keepers of traditions within Steppe Mongol society, and are nomadic in lifestyle.
Our clothes are mainly furs and leathers, but people from all around the world have been a part of the Luns and have brought their style with them.
We have a tradition that we never change and always pride ourselves on - that of Steppe prayers (AKA Mongol prayers). This morning ceremony, that all Steppe are welcome to, allows everyone to come together but also is time for Mongols and followers of the Mongolian gods to pray together.
Our origins derive from the story of the White Tiger (Animal Ancestor sprit) which is a story of two clans that combined together when a member from each clan married, after the groom slayed the white tiger in an honour duel. Since that time the Luns have worn white tiger fur for spiritual and cultural reasons.
If you are interested in joining the Luns Clan please contact...
MA ( Kath)

Blood of the Bear (Bears)
Territorial group of Bear worshipers who value skill of arms and honour. Mainly to the north of the Steppe lands where the sky lights flow and we wander and hunt seasonally. Normally can be found somewhere near the bear head flag and identified by the icons of bears. Contact Sam James-Lawrie
Jómsvíkinga (Joms)
Viking Mercenary company who's stronghold in the north was overthrown by a jealous Tyrant. The kings son escaped with a few elite guard and travelled East in hopes to re-build the company and reclaim what was once lost. Contact Danny Sawyer Hutchinson
Talon of Light
A small contingent of warriors assigned by Hawks father Lighteagle to support the Nomadic peoples of the Steppe and the wider warhost. To join there is a ceremonial naming. Contact Sarah Phoenix
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