Below are some of the favourite memories of our players

It is hard to choose a favourite,Painless training in leek, my first ever ritual, it was a Corp renewal for Charios ( Mark Farney )I got to kick the hell out of Reznik aka Matt Perry

The emotional roleplay surrounding Frank's death

Then I introduced Meezo to the faction

Everybody loved the kazoo solos and finding a loophole to Stephen Cowley and his demon curse

Stealth healing on the battlefield

Singing around the campfire at E1 last year with Paul Crisford and for the first time ever I sang in front of other people. I’ve always been shy but I do love to sing and join in singing. It was appreciated and gave me confidence in myself. I want to do it again. We made up a funny little jingle to get random people who dropped into our circle to get them to share their songs. 

I think my favourite Steppe memory was the Mx Steppe Alliance Competition when the Khajit ran the If You Fits You Sits with all the boxes.

11 years ago being blessed by the fae and called the Legend of the Court of Crimson and Gold. This was as a result of keeping a sanctuary spell happening for 20 minutes on a person who was a critical NPC to a piece of plot. This person was required for questioning by King Hazel.

Probably being told that joining the Talon of light I would die and be reborn, thinking it would be a "symbolic" death. Then having Hawk pull a dagger out during the ritual and thinking "I may have been wrong about this..."

Way too many

Weddings, deaths, fights, battles, family time, mass learnings, Etacurse fighting during a meditation, Hamtar running off every 5 mins, Pepos white tiger ritual.... way too many.

Being given your cold-iron spear for the battle and beating the monsters and knowing my brothers and sisters picking me up through out the weekend .